When to call the professional for repairing the problematic roller shutters?

Home > When to call the professional for repairing the problematic roller shutters?

Roller shutters are the best solution for protecting the premises against harsh and insecure conditions. To avoid encountering roller shutter repair in London, it is important to get them maintained timely from the professionals. Not only maintenance is required for the roller shutter, but these are also required for the shop fronts. But still, if owing to your negligence you have come across the problem in the functioning of the roller shutters, the following are the signs and the symptoms, that you must make sure to call the professionals right away:

  • Motor problem

If you are encountering malfunctioning in the operation of the shutter, then the first suspect is usually the failure in the motor. The motor failure creates so much problem in the smooth operation of the shutter.


If you want to avoid the need to call the professional so early, then you have to maintain the cleanliness of the roller shutters. If you are negligent about its care, then you will have to face serious consequences. The problem may get so intensified and aggravated that you may have to replace a part of the shutter or even the full shutter.

  • Getting stuck in the midway

It is the usual problem that is being faced in the roller shutters. The shutters may get stuck in between and they may not operate until professional attention is provided to them.

  • Dents in the shutter

If you have considered opting for the shutter of low quality, then you will have to call the team of technicians each time you experience the harsh weather.

The dents should get checked and treated at the time they get encountered. They

will check the dented panels and try to get them in the shape.

  • Problem to open the shutters

Sometimes, the shutters are responding to the closing operation easily, but they are creating problems when the opening operation is to be performed. So in those cases, it may be because of the fault of the motor or because of the damaged part that has to be replaced.

  • The shutter is closing on its own

Now, this is the problem in which the shutter starts getting pulled on its own which is hazardous for the people who keep on entering and exiting from the property as the shutter may anytime fall on the head of the person.


  • Keep lubricating it

You must keep up with the little maintenance measures. Like you should keep on lubricating the various parts of the shutters as it will help to keep the parts moving smoothly for a longer time.

  • Keep removing the dust and the debris

Most of the problems encountered in the roller shutters are due to the accumulation of dust and debris in the shutters. If these are cleaned from them timely, then they can surely run for a longer time.

  • Do not leave it unoperated for long

Usually, the shutters start giving problems if they have not been used for a long time. So it is important to keep them functioning if the longer service life is to be enjoyed from the shutters.

  • Get them maintained by professionals

Yearly maintenance from the professional can help the shutters to run extremely smoothly. Call them once a year and get rid of the shutter related problems for all the years.

Bottom Line

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