What is the importance of the HIGH STREET FACE & TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM?

Home > What is the importance of the HIGH STREET FACE & TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM?

The high street retailers are facing giant challenges as far as the shop fronts are concerned. The challenges are not only related to standing apart in the league of the competitors. Rather these are also related to surviving the impact of the COVID-19.

Which challenges are majorly faced by the high street face?

The huge challenge which is being faced by the high street retailers is to tackle the customers. It has become quintessentially harder since the disposable income of the individual has considerably affected.

Important information

of the total population have lost their jobs during the COVID crisis. And about 2 million people are currently unemployed.

As far as the high street retailers are concerned, then they have to do quintessential hard work to make their shops appear as the best.

How can the high street beat their competition?

To stand apart in the competition, these retailers should make efforts to make their strategies more appealing. Initially, these should set some of the business goals to promote in-store sales. You need to design a carefully thought master plan. It will contribute to providing a healthy environment to the high streets. The planning should be following the planning policy. The plan should give the glimpses that the whole street will be made a positive place for visiting and even working.

To keep everything under control and updated, it is needed to continue the liaison between the local authority and the retailers.

But it is highly accepted that the COVID-19 has quintessentially affected our financial system. So it is difficult to spend a lot of money designing the new look for the shopfronts. But you still need to accept that to attract the customers, you are required to give a classy look to your shop front.

What is the importance of incorporating welcoming shopfronts?

According to the various surveys and researches, the well designed and strategized shop fronts are capable of turning the passers-by into customers.

The highly attractive shop fronts are one of the sources of communication between the consumers and the brands. You can convey the nature of your brands and the story behind the origination of the products you’re selling by providing minute attention to the shop fronts.

Is it important to keep the high street?

It is quintessentially important to keep the high streets as far as the community life and economic life is concerned. Retail can be a large part of this but there have to be some carefully thought strategies which can attract the people through the initiatives.

What do you mean by the traffic light system?

The retailer and the owners of the supermarkets have adapted to the new system which we all know by the name of the new normal.

  • Earlier the employees were accountable for doing the work of preventing the place from being overcrowded by managing the crowd outside the sho
  • But now, this work is done by the traffic light system.
  • This kind of shop entry is catching the interest of the individual. If the red light is on this means that the excessive crowd cannot enter the shop, but if the green light is on, then it means the crowd is clear in the internal premises of the shop and other individuals can enter the shop.

Bottom Line

No doubt COVID has impacted the financial and economic sphere of our life quintessentially, but we cannot ignore the fact that it has also opened a door of new opportunities for us. Like the traffic light system, a new kind of shop front strategy has come into existence which is catching the eye of many retailers. And the consumers also consider visiting such places since they think that such kinds of shops can provide them with better services as they are filling the necessary COVID Guidelines.
