Roller shutters are the leading choice for all business owners across the globe for increased security. It means if the shutters are damaged, it is going to affect the security of the entire place and there is no way you need to compromise on that. No doubt, it is normal to have mechanical issues with the shutters. Make sure that you hire professionals from time to time, and this way the problem will be checked on time. In case, the roller shutters are not able to work like normal, then you should hire experts for roller shutter repair in London.
A common problem with roller shutters
Problem closing or opening shutters
It is a common issue that the roller shutter is neither closing nor opening. Initially, you need to check the power supply because if you have an electric shutter and it is off, you are likely to encounter this issue. Turn on the light, and check again whether the shutters are functioning normally or not. In case, you are still encountering an issue, then you need to get it checked.
Continuous usage of roller shutters will heat the roller shutter motor. Due to this, there will be overheating and you will have problems operating them. In case, you suspect this issue, then give the roller shutter motor some time to cool down. Ideally, you should wait for 30 minutes and then use them again.
Shutters are jammed
If overheating is not the issue, then you might have noticed the shutters are getting jammed or stuck while you want to open or close them. This can be fixed with a simple solution. You need to lubricate all the moving parts of the shutters from time to time. This allows it to operate like normal. In addition, it will also solve the issue of screeching which you hear while operating the shutters.
Problem closing/opening the shutters completely? Here is the expert solution for you.
Shutters close only midway
Automatic shutters are operated through sensors and if you haven’t wiped off the dust from the shutters for a long time, the shutters will stop midway. To address this issue, make sure the sensors are clean, aligned, and in the right state. Once you have checked the sensors and cleaned them, operate them again & see whether the shutters operate like normal or not.
State of the shutters
It is important to consider the overall look of the roller shutters. Sometimes, the shutters are not in the right state and they can be causing issues. If you notice a dent or other issue, you need to get it fixed by professionals.
Professional assistance is a must!
When you are regular with the maintenance, you are likely to enjoy the security, safety, and many other benefits provided by the roller shutters. Do not be lazy and neglect the maintenance part of the shutters. Call the technicians for regular inspection and this way the investment you have made will last for a long time. Most importantly it will solve the purpose for which they are installed.